Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lymph Journal # 10

A good day today - feeling much less "hammered".  Perhaps this is cluing us in on the pattern of what to expect with the treatments. Just got this note on Facebook in response to our claiming prayer support from continent except South America and Antarctica:

Just read your blog entries for the past week. We wonder if we can fill in the Antarctic encouragement slot seeing as Alec has spent three 6 month periods living in the Antarctic and has stood at the South Pole! We have the photo to prove it. Praying for an encouraging week ahead for you all, despite the challenges you will be facing. With much love.

Come on S.A.!

One more of many blessings this weekend - I found out that the Friday night BFA Boys Varsity basketball game was dedicated to me and the situation.  "3.2.1.Kraines!"  They won!! Thanks so much - you bless my heart and soul.


Russ and Diane Kraines said...

and the Chicken enchiladas Carl requested for dinner went down well!
and "munchies" from the Stuckey's!

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

Well you know....we did live in Brazil for 10 years. If you're counting Alec for standing at the South Pole I think you can count us for living in SA! My husband is winging his way to Europe as I write. Actually he's in Toronto at the moment but he's enroute. Love to you all! eileen

Loomis Blog said...

Thinking of you Russ ...and wanted to let you know that your blog is bringing up some great thought provoking discussions in the Loomis house. And we have an exchange student coming to live with us for a semester from Argentina in 2 weeks (Belen Barro) and I will get her on the bandwagon ...check off South America! Maddie will be in Panama in September ... check off Central America too! Stay strong!