Saturday, January 28, 2012

Lymph Journal # 21

Woke up feeling good again this morning – amazing.  I did discover, however as I checked email this morning and even as I type this that my keyboard is covered with hair.  Apparently it’s mine as in no longer attached to my scalp as in they said 2-3 weeks and you might lose it.  Well, it’s not like I wasn’t warned.  And, using any excuse for a walk on what was a beautiful morning, Diane and I set off for downtown to visit the outdoor market and take a last hair photo of me on the covered bridge.  There and back it was good to run into a variety of folks we know and could chat with in the security of open-air conversations.  Sure helps ease some of the isolation effect.

 Hair today, gone tomorrow (+fresh spinach from the farmer's market)

Upon arriving home we were greeted by a package from Mark & Cheryl Blumenbaum (hey, way to get mentioned in the blog!) containing a memento of Newport Creamery days gone by.  Some of you know my infamous “Oreo Story” which I tell regarding transition from Germany to the U.S. back in 2003.  (It’s one I generally save for the last day of classes with my Seniors so I’m not going to tell it here.)  The B’s have heard the story and Mark remembered that back in the 1980’s, Newport Creamery was pushing its Oreo Tower Sundae.  They sent along a priceless work of marketing art from those days to cheer our décor.

 But I think he's double-stuffed!

 Anyway, I’m glad we got a good walk in this morning because the rain is rattling the roof windows now.  But it’s a cheery place here.  We are surrounded by the encouragement of so many and enjoying God’s peace which, indeed, surpasses all understanding.  Oops, there’s another hair!


favorite sista said...

that's a great goal to be back in the classroom in time to tell the Oreo story.....they NEED to hear that one! before they trek to the states. Surely is a classic as is the long-forgotten oreo man.

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Glad Oreo Man made it "all the way to Germany"...I'm pretty sure I gave the US postal man stories to tell when he got home...

Praising God for a good weekend for you --

Drunk on Serenity said...

Did winter leave Germany already? So glad to hear you had such a good day.

Peter Whitman said...

I can see it now! "Famous Bald men in History"
Willard Scot, Louis Gossett Jr., John G:), Uncle Fester, Mr. Clean, Russell Kraines...Sorry, I could not resist.

But honestly, glad you had a good weekend.
We love you and are praying for you always