Friday, January 20, 2012

Lymph Journal #14


Independence Day.  I had a morning appointment for a blood test at the Lörrach clinic and decided to attempt it on my own.  A few readers will recognize the following remark (and it has nothing to do with a former president) “Mission Completion”.  Not only did I drive, park, walk, get blood drawn and return but also hit a grocery store and the local Apotheke (pharmacy).  Much washing of the hands ensued, a habit encouraged by the effects of both the disease and the treatment.  White counts have begun a further drop as predicted.

Independence, interdependence, dependence – guess what the default setting is for a fifty-something male from New England.  I am learning much about all three postures and I’m so thankful for the community that offers help in the last two items on the list.  On a repeat of yesterday‘s walk the line from a Robin Mark anthem (thanks Jenn) played “No not by might, nor even power, but by thy Spirit Lord.  Healer of hearts, binder of wounds, lives that were lost – restored”.  A good place to seek dependence.

No real profound thoughts or bold revelations today.  Diane had the afternoon off of meetings and we had a sweet time together.  I’ll take it.

1 comment:

Ida-Mae said...

Mission Completion indeed! : )