Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lymph Journal # 17


Well. this is probably the last feel-good day for a few.  Tomorrow starts round 2 of chemo that will include two days of infusions.  Tomorrow’s main ingredient is Rituximab aka Rituxan the chimeric (made in mice)  monoclonal antibody that’s supposed to kill off lymphoma cells especially when the B cells are on the dodgy end of the scale and mine are, they’re “large”.  The next day is when the more toxic chemical blast occurs and, based on the last round, I’ll be back to the state of “chemo brain” as well as chemo body.  All in all, if it’s like the last time and if it works, it’s way worth it.


M.E. said...

My body let out a big sigh after reading this. The Spirit groans for us.

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Praying as you go to chemo battle this week!

Ida-Mae said...

I wonder if Marmalade Lady will be there! Will be praying all goes as well as possible.

krex_1 said...

praying for you - just picture each B-cell having a big landing pad inviting the Rituxan to "land here!"