Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tough News

It was a crazy Christmas break.  After a whirlwind semester we looked forward to three weeks of relaxation and a bit of fun in the mountains.
 Carl and Hannah awaiting the sled train

 Snow in the mountains
Our little tree

I was looking forward also to enjoying the foodstuffs of Christmas time after having lost much weight over the fall by changes in my diet and much walking - or so I thought. It turns out something else gets to take credit for my "success".

I had some routine blood work done the last week of school but the results came back troubling.  While we were on our three night vacation I received an email urging me to return ASAP.  We left that day - here's the upshot:

I have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma in a process that has taken the last two weeks.  I will probably begin a course of chemotherapy a week from tomorrow.  The cure rate for this sort of lymphoma is in the 60-70% range but if non responsive after the first treatment or two there are further measures that will be undertaken.  The medical care in Germany is excellent and we are quite confident that we are in a good place in that regard. It has been amazing to see the speed and efficiency of the run from routine test to scheduled treatment.

Pray for us - for me that the treatment will be effective and pray for Diane as she drives me to my appointments, takes on whatever extra organizational chores associated with managing this, figures out her work load, and continues to be the most excellent helpmeet I can imagine. Pray also for a good solution to teaching my classes - I'll only have them for the first day of the semester to "unfold" this news and I will miss the classroom deeply.

I have always preached and taught that God knows what He's doing and allowing.  We know it's true. We have to live it now.

Russ for both

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