Saturday, January 14, 2012

Lymph Journal #9

Feeling a bit “hammered” today.  The cumulative effects of surgery and various therapies seem heavy even after a great nine hours sleep last night.  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised and I can’t help but imagine part of the physical process is eliminating dying lymphoma cells. 

I was able to get out for a few short walks – it helps but both physical strength and mental acuity are not anywhere near what I’m used to.  Diane continues to be such an encouragement and help and I can’t effectively express how grateful I am to her.

We received a good old photo encouragement from former colleagues at the Narragansett Pier School – thanks guys for upholding the tradition of offbeat genuine encouragement to members of the gang in challenging times.


Rebi said...
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Rebi said...

Get well soon! I wish you all the strength you need for your recovery!


Loomis Blog said...

I wanted to write a limerick as well but Mad said she just couldn't imagine! I will have to work on that! None of us can do this as well as you of course. Has your German eveloved to the point that you can "limerick" (verb form) in Deutch? Hang in there Russ!