Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lymph Journal #5


Well, thank you God, and my dear Diane and fellow staff and docs who were willing to let me risk it – thank you all for the opportunity to share directly with my Worldviews students about what is unfolding in my life and how it will touch their lives as well.  It was tough each time through (a tiny bit easier with practice) my four classes and the lunchroom crowd but it was so good to be direct, share the story and the facts and allow kids to ask the questions that struck them at this point.  I know that some of my kids have walked through tough variations on this theme so pray for them.

Here’s a couple of things I hope I got out there to each class:

-The facts of what’s going on.

- The sure and certain knowledge and conviction that God is the Potter and I am the clay.  One student asked if I had a positive attitude/assurance that I would get better because “studies show” that attitude makes a difference.  I agreed that it most probably does but also argued that there’s something far beyond attitude here.  God will heal – He always does that for His children but not always on this side of heaven.  God will do what He chooses with me.  I honestly don’t have a conviction either way regarding healing in this life.  Some people have shared what they feel God is showing them and that’s encouraging but I don’t have that yet – hope yes, trust yes, but so far no “answer”.  And that’s OK – I/we’ve walked through enough stuff so far in life to have seen God’s wisdom, strength and peace demonstrated over and over again.

-My story as it related to Worldviews.  Our next philosophical unit is Nihilism which is one of the stepchildren of a Naturalistic viewpoint that argues all there is, is the matter and energy of this universe spinning through a cycle of random cause and effect (well – it’s a bit more nuanced than that but you’d have to have taken my class to see what the kids have been taught).  Nihilism is one “logical” possible next step – if the natural universe is ALL that there is does/can anything make sense.  Well, my story – I was a childhood Nihilist.  When I was about ten years of age I asked myself strange questions (well, strange for age ten) – why am I here, what’s the purpose/significance of anything, what difference does it make in life if all you ever do and all anyone else ever does is live then die?  - these sorts of cheery existential questions.  By the grace of God there were people that claimed that He offers answers to those questions so I really feel that God called me to Christ through the valley of the shadow of Nihilism – a term I’d never heard of when I was that age.

Well kids – I wish you the best in this last semester for you at BFA – I’ll be walking with you in the shadows of hygienic distance but my heart is all there.

Physically I was granted a good night’s sleep despite yesterday’s surgery and the physical and emotional strength to face this day. More than I could ask or imagine.


Lauren Roop said...

Russ, the Liel dorm prayed for you tonight and will continue praying for Him to provide for you and your family in surprising and beautiful ways. We are encouraged by your trust and hope. To the one who goes before you and holds all things together, Lauren Roop

Herb Smith said...

Honest,straight shooting, deeply concerned and caring Russ. Never one to leave the heavy lifting to someone else. Our love and prayers are with you and Diane every moment of the journey. God is faithful!

favorite sista said...

yes,you WERE strange when you were 10! As for folks who cannot get over their nihilistic orientation, we are told in Luke 19:27(so eloquently explained by JohnG) that those who reject Jesus will sadly get their wish. Hope it was a sweet day with your kids. Be strong.

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Always the teacher....guiding others along....sharing the Truth...thank you, Russ. Prayers continue...for CHEMO day tomorrow.

Ida-Mae said...

Russ, when you are better, I want to come take your class!

Don K said...
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Desert Counselor said...

Dearest Russ and Diane,

I got the news just now. Caren and I will keep you in our prayers. Russ, may God grant you His mercy and peace as you walk this path with Him. He is on your side. Diane, may our Lord give you wisdom and courage to support Russ. Thanks for who you are and what you mean to the community of Kandern and BFA
We miss you. If you want, come and visit us in Swakopmund, Namibia. We will show you a little of God's majestic creation in Africa
Take Care

Willie and Caren Van Der Merwe
Godspeed Missionary Care website: www.godspeedservices.org
Traveling website: www.Mission4x4Africa.com
Mobile:+264 81 742 1000
Home Phone: +264 64 461600
Mailing Address: PO Box 4717, Vineta, Swakopmund, Namibia
Skype: willievandermerwe

M.E. said...

I tried to leave you a message on fb some days ago but fb was not cooperating. Anyhow, I want you to know that you are a topic a conversation (and more importantly PRAYER) wherever I go. May God give you strength for today and bring hope for tomorrow. Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to blog and share your thoughts with us. GREATLY appreciated.

Dan and Michelle said...

Praying for you all, Russ and Diane! Let us know if we can do anything else for you!
Dan & Michelle Tebbe

Joy Watson said...

Russ and Diane,

As I have read through your blog, I see God's hand guiding, revealing, and showing you Himself through this. There is a great cloud of witnesses watching this run and you are a victorious warrior and showing us Him each step of the way. Thank you. We will be praying. Diane, if we can help you in any way with meals or whatever, so you have more time with Russ, let us know.

Joy for all the Watsons

Burkharts said...
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Burkharts said...

Diane & Russ - We are praying for you during this time. We have walked this path, twice, and there has been healing twice! Thank you for sharing your life with us!

Jim, Dayle & Hope Burkhart

Randy et Jan said...

To hear your devastating news and at the same time be encouraged to greater faith by YOURS is remarkable! I can see that the Lord is already glorified!! He is SO good not to waste what you and Diane are going through but to USE IT!! We are WITH you in prayer. May He keep your trust and confidence strong and growing!!

debnrusschas said...

You and Diane have been on our hearts and in our prayers ever since we heard your news. May He continue to pour out His grace and give you His courage to embrace this journey He has you on. Please know that if we can bless you in any way, be it ever so small, we would count it a privilege. Thank you for sharing your life and heart with us as you walk through this.
May His strength be yours for each new day. Russ and Debby Chasteen