Monday, January 9, 2012

Lymph Journal #4


Well today Frankenport is installed.  It’ a good things I revisited the pre-op instructions last night because if I missed this instruction “Steppbettlaken mitbringen” I would have failed to bring along my personal fitted sheet for the recovery room bed.  Whew! Saved myself that embarrassment.  Strange to those of us used to the U.S. process but it works.

The anesthesiologist was one of the most personable docs we’ve ever met.  His English was great – his wife’s from Kansas – and he reminded of a cross between my brothers Dick and Don.  The surgeon was also quite accommodating – we’re batting a thousand so far as to great care.

Surgery seems to have gone off without a hitch and I got them to throw in removing stitches from my previous lymph node biopsy and expanding the chest X-ray to a full so as to avoid having another one done for the lung evaluation doc.

Hopefully all will be followed with a good night’s rest and the strength to face tomorrow’s challenge.  Assuming I have the strength the challenge is not medical but quite personal and professional.  I hope to meet with each of my classes and unfold the news for them in a way that I hope will be best and will reinforce some of what I try to communicate in Worldviews.  This is another episode of “transition” that seems to be the stock and trade of this place we call BFA and this community of missionaries but it’s coming awfully early in the new semester.


kemrex said...

Hi Russ,
We'll pray for strength of body and spirit. I know your students love you...take joy in that. "Band of Brothers"
will be praying.

favorite sista said...

Sounds like you're taking as much control as possible in your days...who knew you'd need to bring your own sheets? Good thing you took all those German lessons!

BFAriffes said...

We've been keeping up through Carl. Have been and will continue to pray brother.

Anonymous said...

So cool that God is providing good doctors and even the bonus of the one with good English. God gives us even more than we ask or imagine sometimes.