Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lymph Journal # 64 - One week home


Well, I’m one week home from the Uniklinik so it’s time for a progress report.  I got sprung last Thursday morning – a day earlier than I had expected but most welcome.  The trip home was a joy and yet pretty much drained me for the day.  Friday felt better – I even managed a short walk outside to the end of our street and back.  I was able to remain upright as we entertained a visiting pastor and his wife (former missionaries, now pastoring in RI) for dinner.  The next day (my birthday – made it!!!) I felt more strength returning and walked a total of 2+ km (on mostly level ground).  This was all quite encouraging and I was confident that recovery would continue apace.

Then Sunday came and I seemed to have lost all ground.  I was back to that feeling of a fish washed up on the shore wishing I could breathe my water again.  I had no strength and, I must say, it was a bit worrisome.  Monday felt the same and I contacted my local oncologist to move my appointment from the next day forward to this very Monday.  He welcomed me right in.

I was convinced poor red cell counts would account for my incredible lethargy.  I was mistaken, blood values came back favorable.  What he did do for me was set up an infusion (my handy Frankenport is still available for usage) of vitamins (pronounced here as wittameens) in a lovely yellow solution.  The technician said I was in much need of “power”, underscored by her arm raised, elbow crooked and tight fist, and that these vitamins would help.  I gladly accepted.

A few hours later I headed for home not really feeling the power. 

Tuesday, however, I did feel improvement.  No longer did raising my arm or walking to the bathroom seem to require much deliberation and self-cheerleading.  I walked outside again.  Yesterday was another leap ahead.  I was back at the doc’s for a blood test and that showed improvement from Monday.  (I do need a boost on immunoglobulin and I’ll get that next week before we travel).  Dr. K and others on staff agreed I looked better and I managed taking the stairs at the office.

That afternoon I went out for a walk and found myself walking “downtown”, which also means downhill, to Hauptstrasse.  The upshot of this meant a walk home uphill.  It worked.  I got home a tad sweaty but I got home and cooled off reading on the balcony where I didn’t promptly fall asleep.   I know this might be less than fascinating to the loyal reader but, baby, this is progress and I’m still pretty pumped.

I held off recording this in order to see what today felt like.  Today feels good.  I’m about to set off downtown again and do the monthly banking (exchange rate is pretty good today) and fill some prescriptions. 

Another big adventure in the small world of recovery!  For those who pray, please continue to pray for growing strength.  Pray also for my wife – she’s strong and compassionate and committed but it has to be wearying for and on her.  So for power all around I pray.


Jennifer said...

So glad for improvements, and will pray as requested. I think all of us here will let out a very big inhaled breath when we see you. :)

Jon and Robin said...

Just wanted you to know that we have been and will continue to pray for you and the whole family. We read the blog regularly and value the honesty. We rejoice in the big and small victories with you. Thanks for the open book...encouraging people through your own pain and struggle is really beautiful. Lots of love to you all, Robin.