Saturday, May 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Russ

It's my turn to wish my beloved a very happy birthday. Although I am no writer- like my talented husband, I have some thoughts.

Those of you who have read his (our) blog over the last few months through his battle with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma have gained some insights into who Russ Kraines is- even through the most difficult of times. If you didn't know previously, you now know what attracted to me to him- his wit, intelligence and absolute devotion to Jesus - that have been evident through his blog.

It has been my privilege to be his friend (at least two years), sweetheart (we dated for five years), and wife (32 years in February)  for over 37 years. In all the years, he has always treated me with upmost love and respect. When we married-  we vowed in commitment before God to love and enjoy each other for life! God has blessed that vow. At age 22,  I didn't realize the depth of that vow - or what paths God would take us through. But through it all, we have drawn closer to God, our Father and to each other.

I am thankful to you Russ, for standing firm in the faith and always pointing me to God's character and the Truth of His Word-- the Bible- when things were good and when things were difficult. Thank you Russ, for being Christlike in your love for me- and in your love for our children- and your giddy appreciation for our grand-children-they always bring a smile to your face!  You have served and loved our family with deep devotion and care. Thank you for being husband and father -and teacher - who is respected and loved. Thanks for encouraging me always and drawing ever closer to me through these years- our lives are so intertwined- I could go on!

Happy Birthday to you- dear Russ! I love you more than ever! ~Diane

P.S. So thankful you are HOME for your birthday


Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

so beautiful to read your words too, Diane. Thank you both for so beautifully and openly sharing your journey. We pray for you and yours.

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

Thanks Eileen and Howard- we're getting quite cheesy through all of this- I could have written so much more!