Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday - first full day

Today has been a relatively quiet day. Overcast and cool which is actually perfect for the first full day of camp where everything happens indoors anyway and it’s way more comfortable than the 90FÂș of the last few days running up to camp. All programs are now in place. The teachers had a successful first day, the counselors seemed to establish a good initial rapport with their kids and everybody else seems on the ball.

Tonight, after team cheers, signs, etc., we talk about Gideon. Gideon, the “Safe”, Gideon, the “Dangerous”, and Gideon, the “Reckless”. It will also serve as an entrance into the fact of the “unseen reality” that believers often have to deal in and with but sometimes forget is there.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Hi Russ

I'm enjoying the blog. Will you be able to post some pics.