Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Adventure Day

Wednesday –
After last night’s entry and gain this morning I’m getting reports from my counselors that God is working in the hearts of many of out campers. They’re beginning to exhibit their hunger for truth and practical applications of these truths as they impact a relationship with God. This is always a great time at camp but also a time where prayer is welcome to hold back the things that would discourage real growth.

Adventure Day has happened. I got to lecture on Lewis and Clark, the kids watched some video on it, lunch was eaten with team members hands tied together (I don’t remember that about L&C but OK, and a long hike was undertaken. The kids arrived at the designated cookout site on time and wolfed down 80 hamburgers and 30 hot dogs (the kind from a jar – I know, sounds nicht gut but they’re not bad. Afterward the joint worship service was held with the other camps at a local church and it was back to camp. We’re letting the kids sleep in an extra hour tomorrow morning and, if the weather cooperates, compressing our English classes into the morning so as to have the whole afternoon at the pool. Speedo time guys – I know TMI!

We’ll just have small groups tonight before bed. I’m praying for great discussions and breakthroughs and also some good sleep afterwards.

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