Thursday, July 31, 2008

They're here!

They’re here! All but one of the campers made it on time. The standout is a guy who’s repeating but had a wedding (not his) to attend first. It was great to see some old faces – David, Ruben at their fourth camp with us, others on their second or third plus many new faces.

We’re off to a good start. Not too many appear lost and lonely – always a potential problem but it usually doesn’t last long. Tonight’s messagelaid out the theme of living dangerously by giving three choices of how to live our lives:
“safely” – never risking, covering all our bases, taking out the necessary insurances – BUT doesn’t work in a dangerous fallen world.

“recklessly” – living without thought to consequences, without thought to others, randomly, selfishly – BUT works to well in a dangerous fallen world if you don’t mind falling yourself.

“dangerously” – living as a chosen, effective agent of a loving powerful God successfully doing battle in a dangerous, fallen world

Pray for God to lead and move in all areas.

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