Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lymph Journal # 48


I’m at the midway phase between chemo treatments (next one is on or about April 5) and the circumstances are, I guess you could say, mixed. 

On the plus side I had my first big outing of the warm weather.  A home (BFA v. Heidelberg) soccer game was held in the local city’s sport field and we decided to attend.  I went well prepared with long sleeves and pants, much sunscreen, my new bush hat, an umbrella (in case of sun, not rain) and some folding chairs.  Diane skipped the hat and umbrella.  It was a beautiful day.  The highlight was seeing so many folks – fellow staff and students – but it was also a bit strange because, well, it’s hard for all of us who strive to get it right to be fully confident that we’re doing/saying the right things in a situation such as this.  Congratulations one and all.  Every greeting, every one-armed hug (I pass on handshakes), every assurance that we’re in your prayers was just right. 

Maybe the more awkward part of this is on me.  I’ve been hunkered down for the past three months – sort of the ghost that haunts the fringes of the Kandern community only because I’m supposed to avoid the crowds that inevitably carry a host of microbes I’m not well equipped right now to meet.  I do not, in the least, feel like the community sees me that way – you have all been great – it’s just a side effect of a less than perfect winter with cancer.  My awkwardness, in large part, stems from a desire to not be, how should I put this, a cancer diva.  So forgive me any stumbles as I venture into the safety of seeing folks in larger numbers in the great outdoors.  We’ll figure it out.

Sights from the game:

Diane chatting with a former English Camper who now serves on staff.

Here you see the contrast between two South County Rhode Islanders who grew up in a beach community, served in the same school systems, attended the same church except one is undergoing chemo and has to watch out for the sun (he couldn’t wear his “manpris”).

On the other side of “mixed”, one of those microbes I’m not well equipped to deal with got me.  Sunday night I came down with a mild fever.  This, for most, is not a big deal but when your immunity is down it is of concern.  Fortunately, at the start of all this, the proper prescription had been given and filled so I was able to follow the doctor’s orders regarding the situation (which, inevitably cropped up on a weekend when everything is closed).  So far it seems under control.  I’ll see the doc later today for blood tests already scheduled.

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