Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lymph Journal # 46


Well it’s time to just plain update on the course of treatment – I left the reader hanging back at the Uniklinik.  I was sprung on Sunday morning.  I’ve tolerated this round (and by tolerated I mean I haven’t been really yucky sick – I’ve been “successful” in 3 for 5 rounds of chemo so far!) well.  Nausea was managed at hospital and home, Monday I was a bit under the chemo fog but I did manage to do a load of laundry in the morning and construct a meatloaf in the afternoon – there have been worse days.  Tuesday the brain, what little is left, got into gear and I worked on taxes for the morning and early afternoon – that’s U.S. taxes, Germany’s will be later.  Following this I set off for blood tests and errands that took me through 2-7PM.  At this point I was pretty much a spent force.  Today it’s back to taxes and errands and laundry.  The weather is gorgeous but I need to keep myself pretty shaded, chemo tends to invite sunburn and trading lymphoma for melanoma doesn’t sound like too good an idea.  I did get the bedding washed and on the line to take advantage of the weather while there was no springtime tang of freshly manured fields in the air.  It’s not a smell that bothers me, but I don’t want to sleep with it.

I’m scheduled for round 2 of 2 chemos that precede my stem cell harvesting tentatively to start on Good Friday – so it’s Easter weekend in the hospital.  Should be quiet.  After the treatment comes the harvest - there is a period of about ten days when all this goes on.  Following this will be the long stay of approximately three weeks.  High dose chemo will be administered hopefully wiping out any remaining vestiges of lymphomac nastiness.  I’ll have virtually no immunity at that time.  Once stem cells are reintroduced the hope is the blood will rebuild – red, white and platelet wise and I could be “cured” (I guess that’s measured in levels of remission and a bit of looking over your shoulders for a few years to see if there’s a return).  It looks likely that late May will wind this up, Lord willing.

It would be great to have all this plotted precisely on a calendar.  At that point I could “plan” stuff.  One of the great lessons of all this experience is but a reinforcement of a very old truth about the plans of mankind versus the plans and intentions of God.  One of these plan sets is vapor, the other is sure.  Figure it out.

So that’s just a quick update on where we’re at.  Continue to pray for effectiveness of treatment.  Continue to pray for Diane as she is so involved with her work in TeachBeyond’s Language Services and related responsibilities at the same time she is a most precious partner in all the other “stuff”.

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