Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lymph Journal # 42


Looks like there’s a bed available so we head off to Freiburg tomorrow morming.

Here’s a promo shot of the UniKlinik:
 Diane and I enjoyed lunch together at one of the area’s and local population’s favorite restaurants called Funfschilling.  It’s a veritable enterprise in the local community of Fischingen.  Back when we were first in Germany it was just a little farm stand sort of place.  I remember stopping there with Carl on the bike seat and getting something to drink in the middle of a long ride.  Now it’s a huge restaurant (and farm market and winery) specializing in really well prepared and creative dishes incorporating local produce and very reasonable prices.  It was pretty crowded at lunchtime.  It’s amusing to see the number of Swiss license plates in the parking lot.  Swiss restaurants are as obscenely expensive as almost everything else that’s Swiss and folks often cross the border to dine or do their grocery shopping.

The weather has been terrific these last few days and I had to get out and enjoy it.  I took a long ramble through town this afternoon and we’re both just about to head out for a sunset walk.  This afternoon’s walk was the first time this year I heard the bees swarming all over a tree in early blossom.  Good sign!

Tree bloom in foreground, our apartment house in background
The Kander River

I’m afraid that over the next few days there won’t be much walking for me.  I do have to be somewhat careful in the sunshine.  Chemo makes my face especially sensitive to the sun so I lather in sunscreen and wear a brimmed hat and it still looks like I’m sunburnt.

I’m not sure about connectivity at the hospital.  Some rooms are wired and there are certain lounges where one can connect.  This will be my trial run before the next two stays.  I do have books loaded on the Kindle and the iPod for music so, if the chemo fog doesn’t descent to thickly there’ll be something to do.

Please, if you’re so inclined, keep up the prayers through this next chapter.  I have sensed, all along, the buoyancy of worldwide prayer on our behalf through the previous ones.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Russ and Diane, I have been following your journey from afar. Your journals have become the stuff of my own Lenten reflection during the past weeks. Your faith and optimism are powerful examples of God working within and among us all. Your are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for making your lives and hearts available to all. I pray that the next steps in your assault on the cancer are blessed with success. Love, Karen Swoboda