Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lymph Journal # 41


Well, it’s 5PM here and it’s already been a long day of very little movement – glued to the couch while emailing, web-surfing and phone-calling all in the quest to seek the last bit of information necessary for insurance company approval before tomorrow’s admission. 

The good news: approval granted – hurrah!
The minor fly in the ointment – no beds available tomorrow so probably Thursday.

I did get to watch the autologous stem cell transplantation DVD given to me by the doc in Freiburg.  Of course, it was in German – Stammzelltransplantation autolog – but you could glean some information from it.  I got to check out some of the equipment I’ll be hooked to, saw the freezer they keep the blood’s stem cells frozen in, and saw patient rooms that only had one bed – one can dream.  The most interesting part of the video was the patient they followed through the process.  She started out with hair and then progressed quickly to no hair covered by various hats, scarves and one obvious wig.  But as she was “interviewed” after the process she had a magnificent cascade of lush, curly tresses that showed no hint of being false.  This interview was either done years after the procedure (that’s good news, I guess, it demonstrates effectiveness) or  there’s an aspect of the treatment that could make billions for the Uniklink Freiburg if they opened up a hair restoration service.


favorite sista said...

looking forward to seeing you in lush, curly tresses!!

Jennifer said...

Hoorah indeed! I'll update the FBC prayer list. Relieved to hear we can now pray for the next step!