Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lymph Journal # 37


A Saturday Celebration!

We had before us a Saturday with few, make that no,  urgent responsibilities and our son Carl off to retreat.  Both of us were still pretty pumped about the good news of a few days ago and I had a bit of a case of cabin fever.  As nice as our place is, I’ve been spending a lot of time there.  The weather was looking good (low 60’s and sunny) so, what to do?

How about France?  If you’re not aware we live in an area called Dreiländereck (three countries corner) twenty minutes from the Rhine and the French border and the Swiss border so this is far less exotic than it sounds.  The closest bits of France are in Alsace a region that has “changed hands” between France and Germany a number of times over the past century and a half.  Its geography, from our vantage, starts with the fertile Rhine valley plain that continues until it is interrupted by the Vosges mountains.  As the land begins to slope wine country takes over.  It is dotted by many a fetching village/town rooted in medieval history and chock full of architectural, cultural and culinary delights.  Much of it is about an hour, give or take fifteen minutes, from home.  I suggested checking out a town we’d never visited before – Kayserberg.  Good thinking, it turns out.

The town is a little gem.  A river runs through it, a castle ruins (with an intact and open tower) looms a short hike above it, medieval half-timbered structures abound and we found a good little restaurant seemingly favored by the local traffic.  By the time we’d spend four hours there we had window shopped, sight seen, eaten well, climbed a castle and run through a bonus “carnival” festival in the streets of what had seemed a largely shut down somewhat touristy town.
On the ride we began listing some of the questions we’ll have for the doc we’re going to see in Freiburg on Monday.  We continue to ask for prayer for this as it’s a pretty important decision to come to.

Apart from that let’s let the pictures tell today’s story.

 The main drag of Kayserberg
 Not a reference to my condition!
 A half-timbered beauty
 A river runs through it
 Checking out the table linens

 The ramparts
 Another self-portrait attempt
 Chucking confetti at friends and strangers in an integral part of Carnival
 This little cutie snuck around nailed me from behind - notice her look of victory!

 This celebration seemed so much more tame and kid-focused that our local German version
Yup, Diane was targeted as well!


Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Fun! Joy! Rejuvenation! Fresh air! Time together! Respite! So good to hear of your adventure today!

Jennifer said...

What a fun, sweet day! I'm glad you guys are taking them - and I hope you keep up the habit. Although you might not want to post anymore pics of Diane picking out linens - the guy in Riquewert will be so envious!

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

Hello Cheryl and Jenn, good to hear from you both. Thanks for your encouragement! I just can't believe how good Russ is feeling right now and so very thankful for each moment together. and Jenn- so true about the tablecloth guy-Russ wouldn't let me buy any there even though we have three weddings in our future and they were lovely!