Friday, August 15, 2008

English Camp -is it ever over?

We've spent a relatively quiet week here in Kandern since closing up shop at Maugenhard last Sunday. We held on to a dorm van (big blue for you veterans) to take care of some details on Monday after new staff conference meeting were over. We also snuck in a trip to Schliengen Pizza Grotto, home of the Monday night 3 euro (now 4.50) pizza, a meal shared with a family that worked at the Swiss camp. I foolishly left the van's lights on and ended up with a dead battery. So the Kraines'got to make some more memories, pushing big blue through the streets of Schliengen and finally successfully popping the clutch before cruising back to Maugenhard for final camp inspection (we did well, by the way).

Diane spent some time online with our campers since getting back to our house on the hill in Kandern. The upshot is one of our campers has already arrived for a visit (JB) - he's got nothing but good to say for all aspects of the camp (quote for our cooks: "the eating at English Camp is Paradise"). Those veterans of te last few EC6 camps at Maugenhard - pray for this guy as he continues to process the love he received from staff and the love God wants to extend to him, pray that he'll realize none of us ever starts out good enough or valuable enough for God -that it's God that makes us good and valuable in Him. Pray that he'll get into the Word and vice versa.

Our location in Germany could turn into many opportunities for follow-up like this time with JB. In the meantime BFA staff conferences start on Monday and then we're off on the next whirlwind.


Zach said...

i cant believe the life that big blue still has in it! hopefully you're treating it right after this little mishap..

Howard and Eileen Dueck said...

We caught up with your blog - what a ministry with the Eng camp