Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lymph Journal # 70 - Back in Germany


It has been a few days since the last posting and much has transpired. Our flights back to Germany were “uneventful”.  This is always one of the best labels one can hope for to describe a trans-Atlantic, overnight journey.  The jet lag, worse for us going West to East, has been manageable and the apartment was habitable upon return – friends even delivered an evening meal to the door – thanks Joe & Susie!

In scheduling our return to Germany we had to figure in the start-ups of English Camps and, months in advance, speculate on my potential health and strength so we ended up with a return on July 3-4.  This meant missing a family wedding in Virginia – congrats Esther and Daniel – as I couldn’t count on having the “stuff” to make a major round trip and then board a plane in time for camps.  On the other hand we did return in time for a wedding of two former BFA students of mine held in the village next door where the bride’s family lives – congrats Lindsey and Brandon.

Last Friday morning I underwent a CT scan to determine progression on my remission.  Yesterday was originally the day I was to have discussed the results with the Freiburg doc but he went on vacation and delayed that appointment for a week.  The results were sent on to my local oncologist in Lörrach.  We’ll be meeting with him tomorrow but a preliminary email confirmed the results to be “good”.  More details will follow as we go through this season of awaiting concrete news.

In reflecting back on our time in the States, I am sure glad we went.  It was a bit of a gamble even buying tickets but we won.  It was great to see so many people and be seen by so many people who have had us in their prayers.  Both Diane and I come from families with six kids and we were able to connect with all the siblings.  It was great to spend times with our Moms.  It was especially great to, despite the challenge of packing in a year’s direct relationships into a month’s time, connect with our children who are children no more.  I like having adult “kids”.  I like seeing how our collective history and their particular experiences and relationships are continuing to mold and make them.  I like being reminded of the things we’ve said in the past – wise things, silly things, and a great number of things I can’t remember ever saying but they swear I have – that have meant something.  And, as I’ve observed earlier, there is no better joy than to see your grown-up kids yukking it up with each other.  

Samantha, Carl, Hannah, and Amanda with Carl's Bday cake

Carl's giant Reese's Cake presented by its creator Wendy of Just Wright Catering on Carl's birthday

Grammy and Isaiah
Isaiah's First Birthday cake!

Both sides of the Brad and Amanda family

English Camp staffs have arrived for round 1 here in the Kandern area.  It was good to see some familiar faces and experienced directors – welcome back!  The whole family got to pitch in on Saturday’s grocery run - $2500 worth of food, four vans full!  The campers arrive on Thursday, may all go to the glory of God.


favorite sista said...

Sounds pretty "Normal"...congrats on return to it! Praying for tomorrow's appointment....

Jennifer said...

So glad things went well, prayers for continued 'normal' life!

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Love the word, normal! Praying....