Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lymph Journal # 69 - A short update


I haven’t posted in a bit.  Somehow a lack of unoccupied time tends to depress my attempts at literary output.  Each day here seems to fill up with stuff – usually very good stuff – but it cuts down the quiet moments of contemplation.  Or maybe that’s just the naptimes doing that.

I’ve gone through all the testing outlined in the last posting.  No sign of pneumonia in the chest X-rays, very good numbers in the blood test, and a good visit with a local South County oncologist have led me to wait on other testing until back in Germany.  The lung thing has either lessened a bit or I’m more accustomed to it so I’ll get by until then.  The oncologist, by the way, was quite encouraging. He said, “You look great”, for someone so recently having undergone the stem cell transplant.

We’re coasting into our final weekend here in the States.  There is significant family time scheduled as well as homemade quahog chowder and clam-cakes.  I’m telling you right now – don’t ask for the chowder recipe – it’s one of those “If I tell you I’ll have to ….” things.  We’ve had some really fine grandkid time over the last few days – fellow grandparents know what I’m talking about.

Well, now it’s two days later and I better just post this little bit of news.  The chowder and cakes were excellent.  Suffice it to say I’m feeling very good but also ready to resume a degree of routine.  We’ll fly back to Germany on Tuesday night.  I plan to pick back up the Nerdic poles and resume regular exercise.  Friday I’ll have my CT scan that will be followed by the report on Monday.  My hope and prayer is that, after Monday, I’ll no longer be calling this my “Lymph Journal”. 

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