Friday, February 3, 2012

Lymph Journal # 25


What a beautiful thing is feeling relatively normal.  I woke up this morning to a good sign – craving another fried egg sandwich and boy, Mr. Indulgent that I am, I got right on that and savaged a double egger on Basler Brot (a local bakery fave).  The ketchup involved was especially tasty.  The other night I couldn’t face macaroni with Bolognese sauce but ketchup today – I’m all over it.  Lest I stop with breakfast, we “drove through” a McDonalds for lunch (post doc office visit and blood test) with an order for drei (3) cheeseburgers nür (only) ketchup and a small pommes (fries) and Fanta.  (It’s always a party when ordering a “special order” through the hi-fidelity sound mechanism of a McDs remote kiosk in a language that you’ve in which you’ve yet to feel mastery). Of that, Diane had one burger and a few fries – you do the math on the rest.  After a mid-afternoon ice cream bar (me) we ordered out for Chinese for which I’ve had a growing craving.  A drive through the beautiful countryside in the shadow of our freshly snow frosted local mountain and a good blood test report from the docs - all in all, normal is a great way to be – don’t ever knock it. 

On the clinical side, what makes the blood test sound good is that my white count has risen some – it’s still depressed but stronger than last week, the platelets are good and the reds are, rather than petering out to the level of me feeling like a fish gasping for water (picture it), are holding relatively steady.  This tells the doc and us of the “efficacy” (his words) of the treatment.  Efficacy – good word, normal – good feeling.  I know things can crumble overnight but today is what we’ve got and normal is wunderbar.


wolfie said...

Way to Go Russ!!!! Love it! We like "normal" here at our house, too.

Continue to take very good care....Nancy

Kari said...

We Greenies got a good laugh out of your description of your seemingly voracious appetite today (relatively speaking). We're thankful for a "normal" day, for your apt description of your McDs experience, and for efficacy (I like that word:).

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

I can picture it all --- praising our God.

Nate Smith said...

I have been craving Chinese food for days!!! And the hamburgers with only ketchup - definitely ordered that as a kid. However, European ketchup is better.

Don K said...

I'm hungry.

Jennifer said...

I probably shouldn't be so amused picturing you as a fish...

Love and prayer for you all.

rdkraines said...

I have to say we're not quite "normal"- as normal for us is Russ driving. But what was quite wonderful is looking over at Russ while (me) driving him through our quaint countryside and seeing an expression of calm and joy-apparently enjoying the ride- we're in a new chapter of life :)

Herb Smith said...

Reminded me of the old North Conway days riding around Russ always ready to eat. Sieze the moments and savor the memories. Go reds! Oops in superbowl mode! Continuing to hold you both in our prayers.

Jan said...

Good to hear you're better. Please consider assisting your white count with a healthy diet. It is so important. Kinda like putting petrol into your car instead of sugar, ya' know? Thoughts are with you!