Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lymph Journal # 35

Happy Leap Day!

Well, I’ve had a quiet few days since the last posting as my body has gone through the ever more recognizable post chemo treatment cycle.  Each time I seem to be tolerating it better with less time spent in a fog and less trouble with variations on the theme of nausea.  It’s now one week since the last cycle and I’m hoping for a string of strong days.

I’ve had a busy calendar – well busy in my new understanding of the word – basically meaning I had one place to go/procedure to undergo for three days in a row.  Monday was a CT scan (results of which I hope to hear later today).  Tuesday an echocardiogram to determine any negative impact of chemo on my heart (preliminary finding: no problem), and today blood tests and a follow up with the oncologist.  We’re beginning the communication dance of trying to sense where the doc feels we’re headed diagnostically speaking.  How do we ascertain the real effects of the treatment, how likely is further treatment, and, of course, some sense of the , “What are my chances?” question.  A bit sobering.

A package arrived from First Baptist Church of Narragansett, our home church, loaded with valentine hearts promising prayer and bearing personal messages from the folks back home.  Here they are:

 Happy Valentines Day!

Previously I have mentioned that we’re quite pleased with the standards of medical care here in Germany – in general and particularly with regards to state of the art treatment for lymphoma.  We still feel that way.  I’d also like to mention that our living situation is pretty pleasant.  As a somewhat housebound patient whose world has contracted to passing much time in the apartment, I want to let you see that things could be a lot worse.  We really like our place.  The photos below will give you some sense of the main living area and the views from our balcony (where I hope to spend more time as the weather breaks).  One of Carl’s friends upon entering the apartment said, “This reminds me of a beach house.”  Despite the fact we’re far from a beach, especially one that involves vast amounts of salt water, I think he hit on something and maybe that’s one reason we like it.  It’s bright and cheery, relatively easy (meaning cost effective) to heat and illuminate, and keep clean, and being on the top floor on the high side of town gives us a sense of connection to the hills and vistas around us.  We’re also at the quiet end of a cul-de-sac – quiet unless the two dorms that are located next to us are up to some noisy outdoor activity.  By the way, we love the sounds of those activities – they’re a reminder of the pleasure we have had working with the students of BFA.

 Living/dining area.
 Our, "Watch your head!" kitchen.
 Overview from the loft.
 One balcony view to the North.
 View to the Southwest.

So, life is pretty good for the shape we’re in.  We continue thankful for the prayers and support shown by folks far and near.  God blesses us directly and through the lives of his people.


Don K said...

Looks comfy. Love the spiral staircase and the views from the windows.

I'm praying for continued effective treatment and for positive interactions with your doctors as they review and interpret the test results.

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

Thanks Don! It is quite lovely and gives the appearance of much space. We only have two bedrooms and one bath-but it's easy to clean!