Sunday, January 29, 2012

Lymph Journal # 22

OK day today but I think tomorrow’s blood test just might show I’m down a pint or two in the red cell department – we’ll see.

Today’s highlight was watching and listening to a video of my daughter Amanda sing a favorite Chris Rice tune that captures a relationship with Jesus in and finds hope and joy in the circumstances of life.  If you’re Facebook friend we’ve reposted it.  I don’t know how she made it through to the end (I somehow did with another song I sang at her wedding) but we’re honored by it and rejoice to see God at work in the lives of our children.  Here’s the lyrics:

Weak and wounded sinner 
Lost and left to die 
O, raise your head, for love is passing by 
Come to Jesus 
Come to Jesus 
Come to Jesus and live! 

Now your burden's lifted 
And carried far away 
And precious blood has washed away the stain, so 
Sing to Jesus 
Sing to Jesus 
Sing to Jesus and live! 

And like a newborn baby 
Don't be afraid to crawl 
And remember when you walk 
Sometimes we 
Fall on Jesus 
Fall on Jesus 
Fall on Jesus and live! 

Sometimes the way is lonely 
And steep and filled with pain 
So if your sky is dark and pours the rain, then 
Cry to Jesus 
Cry to Jesus 
Cry to Jesus and live! 

O, and when the love spills over 
And music fills the night 
And when you can't contain your joy inside, then 
Dance for Jesus 
Dance for Jesus 
Dance for Jesus and live! 

And with your final heartbeat 
Kiss the world goodbye 
Then go in peace, and laugh on Glory's side, and 
Fly to Jesus 
Fly to Jesus 
Fly to Jesus and live!

Thank you Amanda.


Jennifer said...

How sweet that song is. I'm always caught by some part of it, depending on where my head is at when I hear it. Can't wait to laugh on Glory's side!
Off to your page to hear Amanda sing it. She may have made it through with dry eyes, but I won't!
Much love to you all.

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

We listened to it again-no dry eyes and our hearts are full! ~Diane

Jennifer said...

I can't find it on your page or on Amanda's. ??

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

I just sent it in a private message- hope that works Jenn

Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

That song is was one of Nina's favorites...we listened to it often.

Praying always.

Peter Whitman said...

Great words.
The Cohorts have been singing some of your songs from the past lately. "Ancient Words" just isn't the same without you reading scripture during the instrumentals, but the lyrics from "Still" seem spot on..

"When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with you above the storm

Father you are king over the flood

And I will be still and know you are God"

Can't wait to sing them with you again!