Monday, January 16, 2012

Lymph Journal #11

Another good day today – decent night’s rest, physically feeling s normal as it’s likely to get and a brilliant sunshine.  I’m thankful for living in a very bright cheery top floor apartment with decent views of the surrounding hills and a nightly sunset show.  Of course, this is Germany and this is winter so that show doesn’t always come off but it did today.

Life has definitely taken on a different pace these days.  Carl asked at dinner – and I really appreciated this question because it’s real – “What do you do all day?”  The lad is used to seeing someone with an agenda and now that is sort of by the boards. 

So what do I do all day?  Each day has its pet project.  I got the bed linens in the wash. Check! Then came the big event of the morning – a walk downtown to put some money in the bank (exchange rates are the best in 16 months and we have a few bills on the way).  Over the past few days I’ve made some brief forays onto relatively horizontal routes through our part of town.  Our apartment, however, is on the edge of the city of Kandern’s “bowl” and to reach Hauptstrasse (the German equivalent of Main Street) means downhill about a half mile.  You do the math – that means the return is the uphill equivalent.  In normal circumstances it’s par for the course living here in the southern Black Forest region.  Octogenarian ladies pulling wheeled grocery carts regularly do this trip with well coiffed aplomb.  But they could kick my butt at this point so today was a trial run.  Accompanied by my concerned (rightfully so) bride we set out stopping by Die Post (post office) on the way.  While Diane mailed a card I furtively lurked outside the establishment like some banished smoker without his cigarette (avoiding germs when possible).  Then on to the bank and, along the way, meeting and greeting in the safety of open air sidewalks a few good friends.  Banking accomplished it was time to storm the hill.  Well, we made it and it felt good to know that freedom of movement is available.

Lunch followed – I’ve actually re-acquired a degree of appetite albeit fractional in comparison to Kraines family tradition.  Some reading time, a little lie down, some more reading time, etc. and the afternoon progressed. I made a few calls to family and friends back in the States. I’m finding myself more comfortable with moments of doing absolutely nothing - which is good because I think there are more of those on the way.

And then there’s time with Diane.  Thank you God for her and thank you that we have good chunks of time to talk or pray or just enjoy the relationship that’s been built over the years.  There are some terrifically sweet moments in this.

So, what did you do with your day?


Don K said...
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Herb Smith said...

Raised my thumb handled German pottery coffee mug in a toast to you both today as I have several times since that blog. Coffee or wine either one should work in my theology! An hour workout at the gym then took Andy lunch as he works on his house. Then off to Palm Springs with Kathy for a mini vacation and retreat ever mindful of you both. Give Diane a hug for me. There is nothing harder in the process than watching and knowing you cannot intervene. I often thought on our road it must be how the Father felt watching Jesus on the cross. But, Christ is risen!!