Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lymph Journal #3


After a poor night’s sleep (don’t know if it was the prednisone, general anxiety, or crazy dreams* - probably all three) the day has felt pretty good.  Sunday service at Black Forest Christian Fellowship (BFCF) is always a pleasure and this might be my last one for a while as I have to go into low immunity mode.  Our worship leader Mike is just a pleasure to participate in praise with and Great is thy Faithfulness was one of the hymns sung.  It’s a wunderbar hymn in its own right and it reminded me of the days when we’d sing it to Sam and Amanda (sorry or thankfully Hannah and Carl – you were spared this) at bedtime.

On occasions in the past I the role of Elder at First Baptist Narragansett and here at BFCF I’ve had the privilege of participating in the James 5 practice of prayer by the Elders.  Today my participation was from the other side of the fence as many of the Elders and some other close friends gathered around Diane, Carl and me for prayer.  Asking God to intercede as He sees fit - powerful stuff!

I’m still feeling good enough for our afternoon walk – not the 5-6 km up and down the hills we were doing four weeks ago but an honest yet level 1km past the local BIO farm with all those fine rural aromas.  The sky was duly dramatic, the vista beautiful and the goats are getting a little shaggier in their coats.

Tomorrow, Lord willing, they’ll install Frankenport – my I-V superhighway.

*Crazy dream: I was accepted into a training program for the police force somewhere in the States and my first day’s training was to begin at 4AM.  However, due to difficulty sleeping I decided to go floating on the nearby lake on a double mattress.  When I woke there in the lake it was already 4:09 – late for my first day! And I decided I must ask for an extension on entering the program, facing up to the fact that cancer just might make it difficult.  Whoo boy! - shades of strange dreams to come.


Mrs. Blumenbaum said...

Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Russ. We continue to pray for you and the family. May His faithfulness sustain you.


Ida-Mae said...

Jim and I will be praying fervently for you all as you go through this medical, physical, spiritual journey. We love you!

Peter Whitman said...

Thanks for sharing this Russ. Know that we love you and are praying for you with thanksgiving in our hearts that God has blessed us with your friendship and guidence. You and Diane have had the greatest impact on our spiritual lives. Thank you for the many years of encouragement and support. I felt a conection to you this morning as I was able to give your Mom and Karen a hug in church.
Blessings always, to God be the Glory,
Pete and Diane