Saturday, June 2, 2012

Lymph Journal # 66 - Another year wrapped!


Today was graduation for BFA’s Class of 2012. This is a great bunch of kids and I so enjoyed my first semester teaching Worldviews with them.  I also benefited from their fine example of appropriate messages of comfort and encouragement throughout the treatments I endured over second semester.  
Class of 2012

Just a few of the grads lined up for commencement

 I couldn’t feel more proud or more fortunate to have them as a focus of ministry and vice versa.  We’ll always have Rome!  Congratulations to all sixty of you!!

Health wise I am doing great.  My white and red counts are back in the “normal” range and I’m getting my strength back.  I know I’m only supposed to boast in the Lord but Diane and I walked the “Lonely Tree” walk a few days ago.  It’s over 5km long and has some significant slope.  Wielding my Nordic (aka “Nerdic” – thanks for this perfect label Len Reed) walking sticks we completed it in the same time as last summer and fall (65 minutes – 5km=3miles – no brag, just fact!). 
That's the lonely tree hill - looks closer due to telephoto effect - it really is a rigorous hike!

 I’m eating without needing to do anything regarding nausea (Yipee!) and sleeping well at night. 

The day after tomorrow we, Lord willing, fly to Boston via London and arrive in RI early Monday evening.  We’ll be there for one month but we’re deliberately not doing the all out missionary deputation thing.  We’ll be mainly reconnecting with friends and family. I don’t know what it has been specifically like for family to experience my illness from afar but I know it has been difficult.  It will be so good to share recovery in person.  I’ll be working on recovering strength through a strict regimen of beach walks and seafood intake.  We certainly look forward to seeing many folks informally. We’re staying with my Mom (401.783.7255).

Well it’s a short update but that’s where we’re at. 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

"Seafood and beach walks". Good to know you're still a Rhode Islander at heart!