Friday, March 26, 2010

March news

Well, I hope you've seen the previous post on the Middle School play - if not, go there after this for shots of Carl in the lead part.

We're just starting spring break now and it last for about two and a half weeks in order to let many school missions trips happen, allow our students to get the most of of travel costs to distant homes and fit in a few conferences. BFA is hosting an international Christian educators conference through early next week and then at the other end of break, TeachBeyond will have its conference near Stuttgart, Germany.

Hannah leaves Saturday the 27th to Burkina Faso in West Africa with a team from BFA. (info on Burkina: She is so pleased to be heading back to Africa, I wouldn't be surprised to see her there long term someday. Pray that these trips (6 this year from BFA) would run well, meet the ministry goals to the intended populations, and help kids clarify their own future goals.

BFA will be undergoing the daunting process of seeking a new director. Tim Shuman, the current director of over ten years in this role, has accepted a position with ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) and will be leaving after this school year is concluded. Tim has bees a great asset to BFA. I have enjoyed his "direction" and his manner and approach to the job. He and his wife started here as single Resident Assistants over twenty years ago and it was here that they met, married, raised two sons, and put collectively over 40 years of service.

The plan is for BFA to use a one year interim director while a new candidate is selected to begin by the 2011-2012 school year. Change is always hard yet often good. Perhaps you could offer a prayer for this right now.
Hannah at the recent High School Retreat

For ourselves we also face great changes. Hannah has but a few months left with us before college. We're wading through financial aid and other information to help make the final decision on what school of nursing she will attend. We also need to move out of our fourth "live-in-for-1-year-while-a-family-is-on-home-leave" apartment. This year we hope to find a more long-term solution and I think we might have a good lead.

It would be sort of nice to not move every summer!

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