Friday, March 26, 2010

Get Smart

86 glances disdainfully at Mr. Big.

Well, the highlight of the month for entertainment value was the Middle School production of Get Smart with Carl in the title role. He had to master 300 lines of snappy dialogue (as well as a quick bout of stomach bug the day before the first performance) in order to pull this off. Much prayer and encouragement saw him through the first few minutes of opening night and then he let loose with a great interpretation of the part (doesn't that sound like a proud pretentious father writing!). Carl seems to love this stuff so enjoy some more of the photos below.

Guarded by the Wong sisters.
Sign him up for Richard III!
Oops, wrong phone!
Long before cells and iPhones, there was the Shoe Phone
Keeping Dr. Dante quiet.
86 meets 99.
It was a fun couple of nights. Carl received so much affirmation from peers, high school kids, staff and community people - well done lad!

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