Saturday, August 24, 2013

Summer's end

August 24, 2013

Together with family in July
 We did get to spend some great time with our kids and grandkids early in the summer.  As you may have seen in our last post we then returned to Germany for English Camps.  These camps are so great wherever they are held.  North American and national staff members meet with their campers and wonderful community is achieved while lives are changed - and some English gets taught as well.

 One of the cool things at this year's camp was that two of our (any previous staff that has served with us check it out) former campers served as Group Leaders for our camp this year!

Above the whole Camp, below our three English class groups

   After camps were over and we took care of many a post camp detail we did get away for a time to
Austria (four hours by car) and rented a small vacation apartment for a week.  Our goal was to rest after an exhausting even weeks.  Hiking and reading were pretty much the agenda.

First day's hike

High meadow

Morning bun service!

Second big hike

My health continues to be great - the hiking and my repeated medical evaluations underscore this.  We're both back into our work with both feet as Diane continues to direct language initiatives for TeachBeyond worldwide and I prep for another year's teaching.

God is good!

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