Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lymph Journal #60 Happy Birthday Diane!


For those of you who know my wife Diane you will most probably agree with the following observations of what I see in her and this reflection n the anniversary oh her birth.

Diane is smart and wise – you know that is not always found in combination.
Diane is strong and tender.
She is honest and open.
She is a virtuous woman.
She is capable of great accomplishments and has proven that often.
She has demonstrated great stamina in trying circumstances over the years – now as much as ever.
She is beautiful inside and out and ever increases in this.
She is a most companionable, delightful, complementary wife and friend.

I am so grateful for the over three quarters of my life I have had in relationship with her.

Together we’re not so good in successfully celebrating these markers of life’s progress. On Diane’s birthday last year she was undergoing back surgery.  Granted, we were just back from China and Vietnam but missed any exotic Asian celebration – no it was the Gelenk-Klinik for us.  Our twentieth anniversary was spent at the Hasbro Children’s Hospital eating leftover lasagna by the window of Carl’s room overlooking a parking lot.  The nurses did score some cake for us an offered “candlelight” in the form of two flashlights draped with washcloths.  This year her birthday will consist of visiting me for a few hours here in the Uniklinik.  But she gets to attend “The Great Hallelujah” – a gospel celebration led by Danny Plett tonight for which I may have a Skype hookup.  We’ve had a few other celebration busts I won’t go into today. “Normal days” are usually pretty good.

Maybe someday we’ll do better in this department.  But our philosophy has always been that things like a marriage are way more important than a wedding and one’s living is way more important that celebrating said life.  Those things are milestones along the way but walking the way is how you get there and make any celebration meaningful.

So, Diane, thanks for the life you live with me.  It has always been an adventure and I always prefer the adventure to the slideshow afterwards.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

1 comment:

Russ and Diane Kraines said...

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing" 1 Thessalonians 5:11
is true of our marriage. It goes both ways sweetie-and may our home be always filled with laughter, joy, honesty,encouragement and love! Thanks for loving me so well- and my quirky ways ! Love you always~Diane