Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dramatic Month

Where's Hannah & Russ?

The photos below tell the tale of some of this past month's activities.

Russ and Hannah both took part in the annual Black Forest Christian Fellowship outreach event the "Candlelight Dinner" - the most sought after ticket in town (I'm not kidding - the shoe store lady was asking me before the fact when tickets become available). Most tickets go to German acquaintances of BFCF attenders, a quality dinner and show is produced and the gospel is clearly celebrated as well. This year's theme was "SING FREEDOM" and centered on Gospel music as it developed out the slave experience in America. The show ran for two consecutive nights with a repeat of the show (minus dinner) on a Sunday afternoon. Great fun and exhausting!

The other drama was the long awaited Middle School production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest. This production strayed from the standard Snow White story line in numerous ways, most obviously in the collection of alternative dwarfs (many who were actually taller than the heroine). The dwarf who stole the show (well there were many great performances but this dwarf got huge laughs!) was Weepy, the dwarf who cries about everything played by the new star of the stage - Carl.

Check out the pics!

"Nobody Knows the Trouble I Sees"

Full Chorus (both adult and high school) led by Danny Plett.

Hannah - first left row 2
Weepy giving it all he's got!

In the middle of all this was the annual high school retreat for Hannah as student and Russ as one of the many leaders. No wonder we're a bit tired.

So, there you have it. The next big event is Spring break trips - Jordan for Russ and his team and Kenya for Hannah and her team.

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