Sunday, October 31, 2010

International Spice Market - emblematic of this month's happenings

A whole lot can happen in a month. Diane has been involved in more meetings than anyone might care to count but exciting stuff is growing out of these meetings. Folks from two "closed" Asian nations spent time here in Kandern to discuss the role that TeachBeyond might have in starting up and staffing language centers and schools throughout these closed countries. God's people in these places are are dreaming big and acting on those dreams. Many, outrageously many are meeting Christ and educational initiatives seem to be a powerful means by which this is happening. Diane has a full plate of initiatives to undertake and that's exciting.

Can you guess what sort of country Russ visited?

Russ' seniors took off to Rome for their class trip and a fine time, we hear, was had by all. While those guys were gone Russ traveled to do some work in a school located in another country that shall remain nameless (although the pictures should give it away. He had a great time helping out with their Worldviews classes and encouraging one of TeachBeyond's farther flung members.

Perhaps the tastiest looking kepab I've ever seen - no, I didn't have one (too full at the time).

Fall in our neck of the woods means harvest time. The big question is, "red or white"?

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