Sunday, October 31, 2010

International Spice Market - emblematic of this month's happenings

A whole lot can happen in a month. Diane has been involved in more meetings than anyone might care to count but exciting stuff is growing out of these meetings. Folks from two "closed" Asian nations spent time here in Kandern to discuss the role that TeachBeyond might have in starting up and staffing language centers and schools throughout these closed countries. God's people in these places are are dreaming big and acting on those dreams. Many, outrageously many are meeting Christ and educational initiatives seem to be a powerful means by which this is happening. Diane has a full plate of initiatives to undertake and that's exciting.

Can you guess what sort of country Russ visited?

Russ' seniors took off to Rome for their class trip and a fine time, we hear, was had by all. While those guys were gone Russ traveled to do some work in a school located in another country that shall remain nameless (although the pictures should give it away. He had a great time helping out with their Worldviews classes and encouraging one of TeachBeyond's farther flung members.

Perhaps the tastiest looking kepab I've ever seen - no, I didn't have one (too full at the time).

Fall in our neck of the woods means harvest time. The big question is, "red or white"?

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October '10

Well we're one month into the school year here. It's been a good start - a very calm spirit seems to be reigning right now. Thursday night Russ' seniors headed out on their senior trip. It's a good one - we got to go last year as senior class sponsors. They'll stop for the day (following an all night bus ride) in Florence before heading on to their hotel for the week in Santa Severa. This is a beach town about an hour outside of Rome and the base of operations for the rest of the week. Museums, wanderings through the city and a day at the beach will fill up their time and they'll head back on Thursday via Venice (actually arriving at BFA Friday morning). This trip is designed to bond and strengthen the Senior Class and it usually does so.

In the time off from having classes I'll be traveling to a major city in a "sensitive" country that is home to a sister school. I'm going at the invitation of the principal of that school and I'm very thankful for Europe's budget airlines which allow very affordable travel. I get to meet with the Worldviews teacher there and teach a few classes. I also get to check out a few of the sights.

Diane officially takes up the mantle of her new position now that September is over. She has responsibilities that will necessitate absolute reliance on God's provisions as she overseas various language projects in multiple continents and countries. Pray for God to raise up people and churches with a heart for and background in using language instruction as an opportunity to share the hope of Christ.

We had a great time last weekend visiting with some old friends who were "in town" from California. It's so refreshing to catch up especially when folks are still faithful in ministry after "all these years".