Saturday, May 23, 2009

May stuff

We've got some weddings coming up, so, a few weekends ago we drove an hour over to France to buy some tablecloths for gifts (they fly a whole lot better than glasses or blenders and they make some beautiful ones there). It was a gorgeous spring day and we made a nice day of it. While walking through town we spotted this "old-timer".

Here's Hannah and some of her teammates at the last home soccer match this season. They won the Regional championship then and, as I write, the team is playing the semi-finals for Division II championship in the European DODDs league.

Here's a shot of us holding each others' head up as the Junior-Senior Banquet drew to a close. We're Junior Class sponsors and this is the BIG DEAL of the Junior year and a time of personal tribute to the Senior class. Much planning, organization, muscle, creativity, and sweat went into it's execution but it all turned out lovely.
Here's Hannah with fellow Juniors and members of her small group.

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