Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Well it's our first Christmas "back" in Germany. After a busy but great semester it's good to experience some downtime. Amanda, Cameron and Amanda's fiance Brad are in town so we haven't had too much "down" down time yet - but it will come.

A few days ago Diane and I got to attend the Janz Team Germany Christmas dinner party. I found out what it was lie to be a part of Diane's world over at JTG. Held at a local restaurant (The Ochsen for those in the know regarding Kandern)we had our choice of pork schnitzels, curried turkey chunks or a vegetarian dish. The entertainment was interspersed throughout the evening. Early on everything was translated but that soon fell by the wayside and I got to feel what Diane does when she attends the daily prayer meetings at her work conducted entirely in German.

A few blogs ago I mentioned finding joy in the unlikely things. Well, the unlikely thing at the Janz Team Germany's Christmas bash wash the main entertainment. Had you asked before what sort of entertainment I might expect here in southwestern Germany I could have listed all sorts of possibilities. One of Janz Team's core ministries is musical outreach so there' be many choices there. BFA has all sorts of talented folk to draw from and , in fact, some did perform but not as the main event. There are some local forms of music that would be available from accordian bands to vocal harmonist ensembles but no - those were not chosen. Surprise of all surprises the headline act consisted of four middle aged German men who ad a love for and decent (for Germans) skill with American Bluegrass music. Bluegrass music - come on!, how could we have predicted that? Well, it was delightful. Merry Christmas.

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