Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Autumn travels

We're back to our Home Assignment digs after a few weeks on the road. 
In and through:
2500 miles 
8 different beds
9 States
1 rental car

We met and re-met with so many good people, friends, supporters, co-workers and more. 
Stories we got to tell and stories we got to hear.
Strategic plans made.
Connections for future ministry growth made.
Training undergone.
The occasional side distraction.
Some good meals.
And blessedly uneventful driving.
Us with a former student from "back in the day"(2001-03)
The English Camp "Summit" at Myrtle Beach

And now we're back for another season of lots of quiet working from our present home as well as attending our son's first leading role in college theater, seeing our daughters and their families (including a now fiance and future son-in-law) and anticipating the holidays with family and friends.

Mentors and friends - the Wells

Amish on the way

For our Mennonite friends - you know who you are!

Former BFA Principal and Carl's 1st Grade co-teacher - the Batemans

Gettysburg - bucket list item√

ABWE Assoc.of Baptists for World Evangelism HQ - training time

Russ and Auntie Dotty in NJ