Above: our little tree. Below: gift time.
Break was not especially event filled and that was just what we needed. One day trip to a French Christmas Market with friends and we did get to spend a few days in Switzerland – one of those days we went sledding as a family. Mom and Dad are still working through the back pains from that but we had a blast together.
Strasbourg, France at Christmas Market time.
I know that might sound like we get around with all the country name -dropping, but today our very ordinary errands took Russ through three countries in and hour and a half. Most of the groceries were obtained in town but the cheapest gas is over the border in Switzerland and a coupon worth the equivalent of $9 convinced him to stop at a French “superstore” for printer paper, split peas, and some inexpensive pork chops – we have no idea why they were the equivalent of $1 – that’s an unheard of price! Guess what’s for dinner tomorrow.
Above: Street view in Grabunden Alps. Below: geared up for a sled run.
Another popular vacation activity:
Classes are going well for Russ as his seniors begin the five-month slide to graduation. Diane’s work keeps expanding with new ideas, initiatives, and opportunities to use language learning as a tool to open doors for the Kingdom. Amazing things are happening with her ministry! Over the next few months we’ll have the additional task and privilege of preparing with our team (17 students, 5 staff) for the spring M-trip to southern China – we’re getting all our shots Tuesday. If you’re curious on details, check out our monthly newsletter. (If you’d like to subscribe, send us an email at rkraines@teachbeyond.org)