Saturday, October 10, 2015

English Camps Summer 2015

If you would like to see more about English Camps this past summer- please check out BeyondWords

One month in & annual Rome trip

Actually, it is 2 months in - or back - from our year in the States and to our home/ministry in Germany.  Life went "back to normal" more quickly over here than it did in our first 2 months in the States.  We moved back into our apartment, unpacked and even got a great deal on a 2007 car with low mileage.  For the Rhode Islanders reading this - registration here involved a passport, German documentation and the actual making of our plates (we got to pick our own #) but ir was way more quick and easy than the DMV back home!
2007 Mazda 5 above our town

Biblical plates!

School has been back in session for just over a month and classes are going well.  Russ has, as usual, grown to love his new students.  He is invited/asked to accompany the senior class on their class trip to Italy - a long-standing tradition at BFA.  Diane comes along as well.  It's a great chance to bond with the class as they bond together.  The shared experience pays benefits in the classroom as well.  It is an endurance test for us as it involves 2 overnight bus rides and busy days with the kids.  We're glad to have a weekend to recover as the trip concludes on a Friday morning (and the Seniors don't attend school on this Friday).  A good night's rest in the home bed does wonders!
Some of our gang & David

Photo-bombed in Florence

One of many class pictures

BFA grad from 2001 - the Franciscan that taught Pope Francis how to throw a Frisbee!

The class at Ostia Antica

Love among the ruins

With the Shumans near Vatican City i search of lunch


Explaining the Forum to some students 

At the Coloseum

Venice's official bird & Isaac

At Accademia Bridge