Well it's arrived. Still another season of transition. We're settled fairly well in our long term apartment (check out the view of the local castle ruin we have - albeit on full telephoto - from our kitchen window):
Diane transitions from her posting of the last few years of helping to oversee the local English Camps for German teens to her position of Director of Language Services for our mission TeachBeyond. We have seen so many lives of kids and staff impacted by ECs and they will continue to be dear to us and a great opportunity for North Americas to come and serve for a few weeks in the summer - think about it!
The students started back today at Black Forest Academy and I officially met my Seniors for the first time. It's transition time for them as well but the eve of much larger transitions at the close of this academic year. Here are some shots from the day:
Of course that means I get to transition back to my classroom role - I just love teaching the Worldviews class and, as you can tell I'm ready - Diane has finished ironing the Fall Collection:
... ALL of this to say- i appreciated what you did for me my senior year. you made it brilliant. you made me learn when i didn't want to, you made me question when i thought i didn't need to, and you made me grow when i though i was already done. I can say without a doubt that there is no was i could've made it through this last year without everything you taught me. i got out my world views notes on more than one occasion and the notes i didn't keep i wish i had. keep up the good work sir, it is much needed...
Wow - I came back to BFA with a desire to help our graduating seniors "make it" after BFA. If I can be used like that it's got to be a joy!
Then there's Carl - our high-schooler - Yikes!
So it's an exciting time and a challenging time. We're hanging on for the ride.